70 is a team-based guessing game that you can play with your friends!

Draw, guess and win! That's what is all about
100% online and free game! Each round, one player is chosen to draw something for the other players to guess.

After achieving the point target, the first player will be declared as the winner.

Gartic also allows the player to create his own room to play with his friends and choose from 6 themes to draw.

How to play

. is a very easy game to play!


When it's another player's turn, try to guess what the picture is. Use the answer box to submit your guess. You can also use the chat box to have fun, talking to other players. When it's your turn to draw, use the tools to create the best drawing you can! The more players find the word, the more points you get

. strategy


Quick Tips:

  • When you're drawing, you can send clues to players to help them find the word, but the more clues you give, the fewer points you'll get with each find. Good luck!
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  • Try to find the word as fast as you can, so you'll get more points.
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  • Try to draw fast and don't waste too much time for details. The important thing here is to help the players find the word.
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  • Never write anything on your drawing. You may be ratted out by the other players and lose all points earned during the next turn.
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