

Wormate.io is a Slither style game with a twist. This game features cool power-ups, a lot more customization, and amazing food graphics that make them look extra tasty to even the pickiest of worms.

How to play


In the world of Wormate your main goal is to become the biggest worm around, to do this you must eat the food that passively spawns around the map from killing the other worms and eating their dough. To kill an enemy in the world simply make its head crash into your body, just remember that anyone can eat the falling food so eat fast. This feature works both ways, however, if you see two larger worms fighting, remember you can come and take some of their dough for your own worm. At first it is recommended not to try to fight other worms, as you don't have a big enough body to catch someone off guard, however, it is not a bad idea to try to save some food from the dead worms.



Within the game your worm will follow your mouse cursor, this will only control the direction in which the worm is heading however, you cannot stop your worm. You can also left click to increase the speed of your worms for as long as you hold it, but remember that this ability slowly depletes some of your existing score.