70 is a reimagining of your favorite classic racing and reaction games. In this game, the rhythm is your guide and the melody will offer you points. Get into the groove as you search for sample streaks to increase your total win score and avoid a bad trip by dodging cinder blocks that litter the track. This is a space-themed racing game where speed, hand-eye coordination and concentration will determine your outcome. Best of all, this game allows you to customize the levels by uploading your favorite track, which will generate a new customized race track. Not only will you be able to enjoy your favorite songs, but you'll also do so while venturing through the final frontier and scoring points with the same tune you're playing. It's meta, it's meaty, it's fun! is a game about running around with your favorite songs in the browser: run on a track that adapts to the music and collect samples that match the beat. And if you're ambitious, try to get the highest score possible!  




Use A/S/D to move to the left/middle/right lane or hold the arrow keys




This game is still under development. Track detection is constantly improving and more features are coming soon!
